St. Monica Parish

St. Monica Parish
Why I Pray! Jesus is present in the Tabernacle. He promised to never leave us and his promise is true.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Elisabeth Leseur

Loved reading Elisabeth Laseur's "The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur." Here is an excerpt reprinted in the Magnificat.

"To go always to the little ones, the suffering, those for whom life is hard, but not to scorn those carefree ones who live for themselves. They more than the others, perhaps, need to be show God to them. Resolutely to devote my mind, my will, my heart, my whole being to God, to the advancement of God's kingdom. To raise, strengthen, and spread, a little of the warmth that God has put into my heart, the 'fire' that kindles me, which I regret being unable to kindle in others.

"When I have done this, God will do the rest. We pray, suffer, and labor unaware of the consequence of our action and prayers. God makes them serve his plan; gradually, they take effect, winning one soul, then another."

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